Remembering artist Carlos Villa’s legacy is incomplete without celebrating his life as a teacher. Join us for a presentation of Filipinx American artists and writers sharing stories about how a mentor or mentoring changed the course of their lives.

Participating storytellers:

  • Nancy Bulalacao
  • Kari Rittenbach
  • Cynthia Alberto
  • Karen Elizaga
  • Grace Villamil
  • Vina Orden
  • Ernabel Demillo
  • Paz Tanjuaquio
  • J. Faith Almiron
  • Trisha Lagaso Goldberg

Arrive early and enjoy our Carlos Villa: Worlds in Collision exhibition which will be open to guests only from 5-7:30pm. Please use the South Wing entrance starting at 5pm as the rest of the museum will be closed.

Interested in participating in our Filipino American Oral History Project? Sign up for a timeslot on April 21 to share your own story.

Location: Billy Johnson Auditorium

Familiarize yourself with our visiting guidelines before you arrive at the Museum.