Linda C. Harrison
Director and CEO
As the leader of The Newark Museum of Art, a large, complex, urban museum campus, Linda plays a strategic and unifying role for the organization and the city of Newark. She communicates the work and mission of the organization and works with the Board, staff, and community to identify and implement priorities and tactics to further the Museum’s goals. During her first 100 days, Linda developed a 3-year Strategic Vision Plan to transform the museum, adding a sense of urgency and a bold vision. Her plan expanded the notion of a logo upgrade into a major brand transformation, involving a re-engineering of the mission, brand image, and adding the clarifying words ‘of Art’ to the museum’s name. Linda has established a new Executive Group and revamped the organization for more engaging community impact. The new Vision incorporates five critical paths to be worked on simultaneously; Improving Financial Stability, Investing in Digital Future, Developing Right Infrastructure, Leveraging and Enhancing the Brand, and Investing in Right Programming.