Watch prerecorded audio-visual presentations designed to heighten observation and critical-thinking skills by focusing on aesthetics and critique.
These videos are intended to bring The Newark Museum of Art to the classroom. Each program promotes student-centered discussions while utilizing different areas of the Museum’s collection to support art integration for students ranging from early childhood to high school.
Express American Art
The presentation includes cross-curricular activities that combine language arts literacy, social studies, and visual arts.
Dynamic Earth
Participants will explore the ways our Earth changes through investigating models of rock formations found in New Jersey and by examining natural science specimens presented in real world situations.
Ancient Mediterranean Galleries
Participants will explore Ancient Mediterranean artifacts and learn about their historical content while having a meaningful dialogue on the nature of identity and legacy.
The Industrial Revolution and the Ballantine House
Participants will learn about the Industrial Revolution and explore its impact on society. Students will be encouraged to reflect on differences between life then and now.
Native Artists of North America
Participants will observe techniques, materials, and design patterns used by various Native American nations and understand how traditions and techniques have influenced contemporary Native artists.